Caroline Corda-Razat
a speaking ministry : encouraging hearts to draw near to God
DRAFT and SAMPLE Resources for Organizers of
White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church
March 3-5, 2017
Black Rock Retreat Center, Quarryville, PA
(last updated: Dec 4)
Basic Info about God SPA for organizers
Sample Prayer Team retreat prayer prompts
Handouts : recommended to use different pastel colored sheets.
CPR prayer prompt instructions, sample and worksheet (please print as 3 pages/sheets)
Praising God ABCs a simple list of God's attributes (one page/sheet)
Who I am in Christ a list with verse references (one page/sheet)
Card: CPR prompt card (coming soon) Please on card stock and cut to business card size: 2 x 3.5 inches
NOT FOR FOLDER : Given at end of retreat:
"Spa Benefits" comparing world spa needs and Scripture answers(one page/sheet)
Small Group Discussion Questions (coming soon)
Other Handouts:
Attributes and Character of God a detailed list with verse references (please print 4 pages as 2 double sided sheets)
Humility Check a series of questions to help with silent confession (please print 2 pages on one double sided sheet)
1/4 page Card: Praise ABCs / SPA verses (1/4 of a page, print double sided on card stock or laminated) FONTS NEED TO BE UPDATED
Supplies and equipment needed for retreat day
headset or lapel mic - essential for first session.
Visual Aids:
easel / paper or dry erase board
fat markers
music coordinator may request projection for song lyrics
lecturn for bible, notes, water
First session only:
table for my props - card table size 4 person
simple table cloth to cover and extends to the floor
For Participants
folder with handouts (contents tbd by organizers, see above) blank paper
extra pens and plain paper