Caroline Corda-Razat
a speaking ministry : encouraging hearts to draw near to God
For Organizers 4 Step Prayer: Event Handouts and Setup
Required Handout :
Prayer Sheet God Our Teacher - for Session #2
Optional Handouts. Please review content prior to printing:
Recommended to hand out to all:
4 Step Prayer / ABC Praise business card size reminder
When cut makes 10 cards/sheet. Please print on card stock, double sided.
Humility Check a series of questions to help with silent confession
Please print these 2 pages on one double sided sheet
Booster Shot Post Card: No PDF at this time -
Please provide a Blank Card and Envelope to be addressed by attendees during the session.
Recommended to have available but not handed out:
Attributes and Character of God a detailed list with verse references
Please print 4 pages as 2 double sided sheets
Praising God ABCs a simple list of God's attributes
One page/sheet
Confession Reflection Please review content to see appropriate for your group, usually for advanced groups and leaders.
Supplies and equipment needed for event day
headset or lapel mic
Visual Aids:
easel / paper or dry erase board
fat markers
lecturn for bible, notes, water
For Participants
handouts (contents tbd by organizers, see above)
extra pens and plain paper